Sue Dumais – Expect Miracles

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10 Beautiful souls share stories of Hope, Inspiration & Transformation

These stories will change your perception of life’s challenges and inspire you to expect and celebrate miracles. As you follow the journeys of these souls, you will see your own life mirrored in these pages and you will take away tools you can use to get out of your own way, heal your past, and embrace the sacred gifts you were born with so you can soar to great heights. You will identify with one or more of these stories that uncover childhood trauma caused by learning challenges, abuse, and family dynamics, and go on to understand how these unresolved traumas can lead to avoidance behaviours such as addiction, anger, and unhealthy boundaries. Relationship trauma such as divorce, fertility challenges, and parenting are shared in these journeys that help us understand how anxiety and physical and mental health issues manifest to show us the truth. Understand the importance of aligning with love, embracing forgiveness, and expecting miracles.

“Sue Dumais will challenge you to stand in your power, get out of your comfort zone and stand up for what you believe in. Sue’s message comes from her heart. It will stop you from running and make you face the truth of who you are, and that will set you free.”
Les Brown, World renowned Motivational Speaker, Best selling Author

“Sue Dumais and her Heart Led Living Community have had a huge influence on my life. Instead of being overwhelmed by doubt, I have learned to embrace the unknown with curiosity one step, one moment, one breath at a time. The stories within this collaborative book are a beautiful embodiment of all that being guided by your heart has to offer. Expect miracles!”
Marilyn R, Wilson, Freelance Writer, Published Author, Speaker

“One thing I found absolutely incredible about Sue is her intuition and powerful ability to have that resonate for my deepest growth. Sue is particularly amazing at reminding me what is soul inspired and what is not, and creating the space to be spirit led. I would highly recommend Sue to anyone looking to be more heart led in all that they are and do
in the world.”
Lara Kozan, Co-Founder YYoga & Nectar Juicery, Entrepreneur, Coach

“Mastery is what comes to mind when I think about Sue Dumais as a coach and intuitive healer. Through her masterful art I have become more confident in trusting, listening and being guided by my intuition, this has provided me with substantial growth personally and professionally.”
Kate Muker, Conscious Diva, Entrepreneur, Speaker


Sue Dumais is a Global Impact Visionary Leader answering the call to heal the world. She is a best-selling author, an international speaker, a divine leader of light leaders, a sacred guide, a gifted intuitive healer, a miracle weaver, and a global voice of HOPE and inspiration for the “Heart YES Movement.”
Sue brings the gifts of insight, awareness, and self-empowerment to her global audience, creating a shift in consciousness from head to heart. Her mission is to ignite our hearts to uplift humanity and unify us in love for each other and our planet.
A humanitarian at heart, Sue created the Heart Led Living Foundation to extend love and healing energy as well as emotional and financial support to empower women and girls in Kenya.
Her signature book—Heart Led Living: When Hard Work Becomes Heart Work—features the ten heart led principles that are designed to help awaken our innate ability to heal, trust our intuition, lead with our heart, and discover our “YES!” for life.
Sue’s recent book—Stand UP Stand OUT Stand STRONG ~ A 30 Day Guide to Navigate Life When the SHIFT Hits the Fan—is proving to be the right book at the right time during our shifting times.
Through a divine blend of transformational guidance, unique perspectives, and a radically honest approach, Sue fosters deep healing and a profound awakening. She guides others to hear, answer, and trust the highest calling of their heart. Sue is passionate about illuminating the path for others as they discover, embrace, and embody their heart YES.
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5.5 x 8.5 – 204 Pages – $19.95

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