In Reflections in the Sand Anna Maria Fierro-Fasciana, a great grandmother, shares her wisdom and insights in a collection of reflective writings and poems – with a desire to support and inspire others on their journey of self-discovery and growth. Her writing can be described as self-help, philosophical, inspirational and spiritual she wishes to impart the message “believe in yourself, you can do it”. She writes from her heart and soul and values the healing that it brings – all the while encouraging others to remember to (cogliere l’attimo) “seize the moment”. All under the umbrella of God.
“Wow. Good writing.'” “Such wise words!”
“This one is powerful it so resonates with my life. I’m going to sit with this one for a while. I am very inspired.”
“In the Beginning is powerful.”
“A Hero Within resonates with where I am at. Especially the part where she speaks about bringing forth any pain, to be relived and experienced thereby freeing the fear that held me in bondage.”
“Acceptance of Self is another one I’m really enjoying. There’s so much wisdom in reading these tidbits that is different from actually living it. It feels like I am checking off boxes of things I’m doing to improve my life. I love it.'”
ISBN – 9798864409800
9 x 6 – 66 pages – $24.95
GST $1.60
Total $33.54